Video Marketing Solutions
For Your Business


Video Spokesperson

The Importance of a Video Spokesperson

Including Internet video marketing into your Internet marketing strategy is a creative way to spice up your strategy, while informing and entertaining an audience of potential clients. The dynamic and personal element to online video marketing is what makes it so appealing and enticing for audiences, and a well-selected video spokesperson is the key to achieving this personal element and the key to a successful online video marketing strategy.


A video spokesperson is more than just an individual hired to appear in one of your business’ videos, they are the voice of your video campaign and the face of your company. That is why a video spokesperson is such an important part of your online video marketing campaign.

Having a real person in your videos is a powerful way to motivate your customers to take action. A relatable face and a reassuring voice can be useful online video marketing components, tools that will help you catch the attention of an audience, engage clients, incorporate calls to action, build consumer trust and, in turn, generate higher conversion.

National Positions and your Video Spokesperson

National Positions is a leading Internet marketing company that is well equipped to enhance your Internet video marketing strategy for the optimal return on investment. We offer expertise in video production as well as video campaign management and have a variety of high quality online video marketing and online video advertising services.

National Positions experts understand that a successful video marketing strategy is all about communicating a message effectively to your audience—whether you are informing, entertaining, or promoting your brand. Selecting the best video spokesperson to promote your company is an essential step in this process, and one that is often overlooked. We can help you determine not only who is the right fit for your company’s video, but who will appeal to the audience you’re targeting, and ultimately get you the most for your money.

If you would prefer to be your own video spokesperson, we can help you with content, technique, direction, and any other production elements necessary to make sure your video, and your company’s image, are made to your satisfaction and, more importantly, to appeal to your target audience.

Under the direction of National Positions’ professionals and with the aid of our state-of-the-art streaming video technology, whether you choose to hire one of our video spokespeople or take on the role yourself, we can help you dramatically increase your sales, enhance your image, and stand out from the crowd.